Section 11 Division 2 Individual Pre-Season Ranking as of 12/7/10







Peter Spotiello CM

10th Grade

Peter Schnieder SC

10th Grade

Nick Czelatka SH

10th Grade

Justin Engel BBP

10th Grade


Michael Menzer CM 10 grade

Justin Underwood BBP    10th Grade

Hunter Hulse SB

10th Grade

Andrew Hudson Matt

10th Grade


Rodrick Holder Bab

12th Grade

Javier Mynor Matt

12th Grade

Andrew Indemaio CM

10th Grade

Tristen Sess CM

10th Grade


Kyle McGovern BBP

10 grade

Sean Kelly Bab

10th grade

Taylor Catz HB

9th Grade

Jared Vollkommer CM

10th Grade


Ryan Hake BBP

10th Grade

Sasha Pulver CM

11th Grade

Austin Hulse SB

11th Grade

Evan Gravano SH

11th Grade


Kyle Underwood BBP

12th grade

Dan McHugh Bab

11th GRade

Jeremy Smith CM

11th Grade

Will Dunkirk CM

12th Grade


Jeff Purdy BBP

12th grade

Christain Peterson CM

12th Grade

Llwanu Bullock SH

12th Grade

Anthony Romagnoli HB   11th Grade


Jack Mc Garrity CM

12th Grade

Matt Waddle BBP

12th Grade

Dylan Robert PJ

11th Grade

Ralph Fabiani BBP

12th Grade


Travis Baskerville CM

11th Grade

Hugh Roden PJ

11th Grade

Josiah Hoshyla HB

11th Grade

Scott Dunkirk CM

11th Grade


Tomasz Filipkowski

Matt !0th Grade

Kenny Leger CM

12th Grade

Zack Catz HB

12th Grade

Cody Nolan HB

9th Grade


Sal Spitaleri CM

12th Grade

Chris Clarke PJ

12th Grade

Dylan Flynn HB

12th Grade

Celistino Gambino SH    12th grade


Marrio Mayan CM

11th Grade

Dylan Roberts HB

11th Grade

Connor Vavlo Bab

12th grade

Connor Curtis HB

12th grade


John Prios  PJ

12th Grade

Eddie Perez HB

10th Grade

Chris Brady CM

10th Grade

Kevin Giron HB

10th grade


Nick Brennan Bab

12th Grade

Jim Alles BBP

12th grade

Chris Niemynski CM

10th grade

Oliver Mendez HB

11th grade


Connor Murphy CM

12th Grade

Josh Edmonson SC

11th grade

Alan Meza          HB

9th grade

John Dertinger Bab

12th Grade


Contact the ranking committee by email at with any name or grade corrections or significant results you
think we may have missed or other pertinent information you may know for any wrestlers. Send results with your first and last name.

These rankings are based on a guess at the weight where the wrestler might end up. Adjustments will be made as the season progresses.
Sectional, league placing, off season performance was used as criteria for the ranking.

REMEMBER: Rankings are only for fun. Matches are won and lost on the mat!!